Project137 Youth Ministry

Young people, it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do. So refuse to worry, and keep your body healthy. But remember that youth, with a whole life before you, is meaningless. ~Ecclesiastes 11:9-10


Project137 is our middle and high school group (ages 11-17). Our main sessions are held in a combined setting where the teens and preteens are ministered to together, and then our teens separate into their respective groups to get into some in depth discussions. Our Youth Ministry is highly active with numerous extra-curricular activities. Your teens will plug into a supportive community of their peers where they can feel safe being themselves while drawing closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Middle School Group

Ages 10 to 13

Middle School is a confusing and difficult time where our pre-teens face a season of discovering themselves. Today more than ever these pre-teens (ages 10-12) have numerous external influences swaying them to live life in a way contrary to how Scripture teaches. In this group, our team is invested in supporting your pre-teen and encouraging them by using Biblical principles and life experience appropriate for their age to help guide them along their way.

High School Group

Ages 14 to 18

Drama, Social Status, Social Media, Popularity, Hormones... High School students (ages 13-18) are on a rollercoaster! Today's teenagers are faced with unimaginable pressures between academic pressure, trying to fit in and, generally, just trying to find their place in this world. Similar to our middle school group, our team is committed to building them up from week to week with God's Word, teaching them Biblical principles and sharing life experiences appropriate for their age that will help them as they develop into young adults.

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1 Volturno Street, North Providence, RI 02904

(401) 727-3000 •